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Nearing the end of the forest cover and approaching the cleared and filled area of the A.H. Smith gravel mine. The gravelly stream bed here has been furrowed and the forest floor on the right bank denuded by recreational three- and four-wheeled all-terrain vehicles. There is still much to see!
Indian Creek lies wholly within the Coastal Plain geologic region. It meanders through relatively flat land, unlike its neighbors to the west, paint Branch, whose steep gorges typify Piedmont streams until it drops over the Fall Line and joins Indian Creek.
Regular floods deposit layers of sand, gravel and clay on through the flat, open forest if Indian Creeks floodplain.
The area shown on the map is all that remains inside the Capital Beltway of what was once an extensive swamp/floosplain syatem that stratched from Hyattsville to Beltsville. Indian Creek is the lifeblood--with its braiding remnant channels--that still breathes life into this precious and vibrant remnant of the HOLLYWOOD SWAMP.