The paddlers' route is marked in red and starts at the right side of the map.

Looking back at the Beltway - glad to leave the noise behind and enter the cool green forest.
Very quickly the stream resumes its natural, wild character. The mature floodplain forest closes in over
the streambed... (next page)
Three friends of Indian Creek take advantage of spring rains and take kayaks to explore the channels from the Capital Beltway past Greenbelt Road to Berwyn Heights

Launching the kayaks: Kate Spencer and Lutz Rastätter (CCRIC), Josh Ungar (AWS in back between trees).
The paddlers start just upstream from the access road from Cherrywood Lane to the Greenbelt Metro station. A concrete drainage ditch provided access to the deep, muddy main channel.
 The creek-bed was channelized (bulldozed and straightened) for the Beltway and the Metro Access lane
crossings. Here, just below the bridges, it is wide and uniform. The tree canopy does not meet over the
water as it once did.